assistant professor @ Telfer, uOttawa
I theorize social innovation strategies that engage user-led organizations to transform professional systems.
Bouchard, M., Barin Cruz, L., & Maguire, S. (2024).
Emotions and client participation in jurisdictional contestation.
Academy of Management Review.
Bouchard, M. & Raufflet, E. (2019).
Domesticating the beast: a ‘resource profile’ framework of power
relations in nonprofit–business collaboration.
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Bouchard, M. (2019).
Turning mad: a first-person account.
Journal of Ethics in Mental Health
Bouchard, M. et Raufflet, E. (forthcoming). Power imbalance in nonprofit-business collaboration: a resource dependency framework. In "Collaboration of nonprofits with market and the state" (Segnestam Larsson, O & Åberg P., editors.). Sagamore Publishing.
Bouchard, M., Chreim, S., Langley, A. & Boivin, A. [Article about the creation of ritualized spaces enabling social support in high-status work roles.] 1st R&R underway at Academy of Management Journal.
Bouchard, M., Barin Cruz, L., Langley, A. & Maguire, S.
Professionalizing experiential knowledge work: peer support in mental
health care.
Submission planned for December 2023 at Administrative Science
Ritwick, S., Bouchard, M.
How clients’ digital affordances transform professional work.
Submission planned for December 2023 at Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management and then in June 2024 at Organization Theory.
Bouchard, M & Chreim, S.
User organizations as an ecosystem of social innovation in the
periphery of professional systems: a comparative ethnography.
Submission planned for December 2023 at Annual Colloquium of the
European Group for Organization Studies and then in October 2024 at
Organization Studies.
Bouchard, M., Boivin, A. Leclaire, M. Rouly, G., Chreim, S.
“Taking care”: Analyzing discourses about care in a primary
healthcare team including peers.
Submission planned for October 2023 at Family Practice.
Bouchard, M. (2022).
Paire aidance en santé mentale au Québec: vers une association
professionnelle autogouvernée, rassembleuse et pérenne.
Le partenaire.
Bouchard M. (2022).
Soignants et soignés.
Bouchard, M. (2022).
Toucher le fond.
Bouchard, M. (2021).
Le chercheur allié : ce que j’ai appris avec les entendeurs de
Le partenaire.
Bouchard, M. (2021).
Partager le pouvoir : rapport sur la gouvernance et le financement
pour Communauté soignante.
Pôle IDEOS / Humanov∙is.
Bush, P., Tremblay, M.-C., Benoit, R., Bouchard, M., et al. (2018).
Recherche participative organisationnelle : guide de pratiques.
Participatory Reasearch at McGill University (PRAM)
Bush, P., Tremblay, M.-C., Benoit, R., Bouchard, et al. (2017).
Organizational participatory research: practice guide.
Participatory Research at McGill University (PRAM).
Bouchard, M. (2016).
User involvement at PEPP-Montréal: a community-based action research
Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas.
Bouchard, M. (2017).
L’expert et la plante verte.
Le partenaire.
Bouchard, M. & Raufflet, E. (2014).
Convergence and international volunteer cooperation.
International Forum for Volunteering in Development (sponsored by
Uniterra: CECI/WUSC).